European Talent Point
Summary of the European / Associated European Talent Point information
The predecessor of our school until 2011, the KTKT Comprehensive School was an accredited Talent Point. As a branch school we took part in each talent development program of KTKT Comprehensive School. Having seceded regional school complex, we continued the talent identification, improvement as a local Talent Point. In 2017 our school received the Excellent Talent Point title from the National Talent Support Council.
Regarding human resources in our Talent Point 10 people have finished an accredited training course on talent support and we have a talent-support expert teacher.
Our institution joined in projects on dissemination of competence based education. In the past 10 years we have taken part in transformational programs (HEFOP, TÁMOP), we developed and published 7 “Good Practises” based on these experiences. Our school is a pre-accredited reference institution. We are regular participants of regional and national competitions.
The talent support is one of the main objectives of our professional program. We have shaped its structural frames, introduced new didactic teaching process. From our heterogeneous classes we have organized ability groups where students with same interest can improve their skills in a relatively homogenous group. We offer extra lessons, provide optional subjects and individual development. We believe each student has the seed of the talent to some area and we must dredge and improve it with the parents.
The speciality of our educational work
Eligible training forms in core education:
· English from year 2.
· German minority language in year 1-8.
· Special sport schools program.
· Sport classes zone when talented children get extra support.
· Specialized foreign language classes in year 5-8.
· Mathematics ability group in year 7-8.
· “Chess Palace Program”- skill development classes in year 1-4.
Faculties of the Basic Art School:
· Music
· Ceramics, graphics
· Drama
· Dance
We assess students at the beginning of year 1 and 5, identify children who can be taken into talent programs.
We organize study circles in several areas: e.g. chess, mathematics, information technology, science, lifestyle etc. They are in our educational plan based on our previous experience.
Learning and career advisor permanently provides support for our students.
Being the only school in the town we cooperate with other institutions: Soltvadkert Kindergartens, Lutheran Kindergarten, Social Institution, Culture Centre. Our success in collaboration is guaranteed by traditional programs (local events, celebrations, children’s day, development workshop). We organize competitions, events in the region, cooperate with other Talent Points (e.g. Talentum Talent Support Council, KRK Szilády Áron Calvinist Secondary School).
The school funds the study circles, provides infrastructure and experts. Judit Polgár’s Chess Palace Program Fund gives us professional and financial assistance. The Children of Soltvadkert Fund, the local German and Roma Minority Council, and the Council of Soltvadkert offer help in talent support and transportation. We also take advantage of funded programs.
As European Talent Point we plan to share our practises in talent support with other European Talent Points or Associated Talent Centres (e.g. share programs, strategies; educational needs of target groups; disseminate our practice on web; organize and participate in conferences, talent days, competitions).